When you hear the term bulimia nervosa you may think this is like anorexia nervosa but it is quite different in its characteristics and features.
Bulimia nervosa is a psychological eating disorder in which there are episodes of binge eating (where a person is consuming a large quantity of food in a sitting).
Though this is the definition of Bulimia Nervosa, however, when an individual goes through this, there is no self-control. When the individual feels that he or she has gone overboard, they then trying to lose weight by using inappropriate ways.
Some of the inappropriate ways that individuals who feel this way uses are vomiting, fasting, enemas, excessive use of laxatives, and compulsive exercising.
Bulimia Nervosa is a condition that starts in late childhood or early adulthood. An individual could also be binging and purging in secret. Once this happens, the individual feels disgusted and ashamed, however when binging happens there could also be a sigh of relief when purging.
Another aspect to consider bulimia nervosa is the fear of gaining weight is something that affects them. There is a dissatisfaction with the body and the size and shape. The fear of being overweight is crippling. This condition can also runs in the family. So, there is a higher risk of getting this from the family.
There are various symptoms of bulimia.
1. There will be weakness and heart burn, indigestion and bloating.
2. Gaining weight and losing weight becomes normal for the person who is suffering with this condition.
3. Sleep also can present to be a problem, another presenting factor can be dry skin because of constant vomiting, dry and brittle nails.
Some of the behavioural issues that may surface.
1. The constant need to eat and then go and purge out all the individual has consumed.
2. Hoarding and stealing food is also another issue that happens with individuals who are constantly thinking of food.
3. Skipping meals and staying away from meal time is classic behaviour traits.
4. The general feeling of being out of control is also another feature that happens with these individuals.
5. Using laxatives and diuretics helps to lose weight and running to the bathroom to purge is a common feature with bulimia.
Some complications that come up with this condition are:
1. Swelling and soreness in your salivary glands from repeated vomiting. The muscles around the mouth and the back of the throat will be scarred from purging.
2. Dehydration, irregular heartbeat, stomach ulcers are all complications of bulimia
3. There will Acid reflux issues as well with the lack of food and also with the constant purging that the individual engages in.
4. Overall tiredness and fatigue with repeated stress to the body.
Bulimia Nervosa is a condition that needs attention therefore it has to be taken seriously. It is important to be sensitive to individuals who are going through this because all of this can be done in secrecy as well. So, paying attention to their habits and mannerisms will help greatly.
It is not so much the eating and purging that should be a concern rather identifying why they are doing it and what is triggering this would be a good way to move forward.
Click here to read on healthy ways to handle Bulimia