MoH provides and facilitates training for the following groups of professionals:
Corporate employees
Counselling supervisors
Education institutions
Interns from psychology and counselling stream
Training may be in the form of seminars, workshops, webinars, etc., according to the request. For the corporate sector, we specialize in providing tailor-made training in collaboration with organizations and as per the need. Some examples of the areas we can help include, but are not limited to: conflict resolution, leadership, teamwork and team dynamics, communication, motivation, and improving well-being and performance of employees. For psychology interns and counsellors, we can help in your professional development as clinical, counselling and industrial psychologists with specific, practical training and supervision. Supervision is a little-known area for many Indian institutes of psychology, and very little practical training is available in this area. We can assist growth as a supervisor by connecting you to trained and experienced supervisors.
For non-psychologists, we can help raise the quality of life by training in how to cope with stress, anxiety, mood swings, etc. Other such areas where training is often needed are: work-life balance, marriage, parenting, time management, etc. Some examples of such training are seminars in schools for faculty or students.
A few trainings that MoH has offered is provided below. We tailor make our trainings to suit the needs of your organization. To inquire more about training sessions for yourself or your organization, reach out to us at info@meadowsofhope.com.
Meadows of Hope conducted a Teacher’s workshop at a school on increasing self-awareness through personality profiling. Workshop was titled “Understanding others by Understanding self”. Reupah leveraged on her MBTI training as a facilitator to help the audience to discover their uniqueness and differences compared to others. Tips on how to work as a team and compliment each other instead of having conflicts. This training was offered as the faculty development for over 80 teachers using interactive methods of learning.

I was a smoker and an alcoholic. I also buried myself in a lot of work in order to escape the pain
and anxiety I was going through. I approached MoH to have a session or two, to overcome the
pain. But after about 15 sessions, I was able to work through the difficult parts of my life and
have clarity. I was able to overcome the pain of my parents’ divorce, which I hadn’t been able to
overcome despite going to several hypnotherapists. But with MoH’s help, I was able to get my
mind much more straightened out.
Sunil, 22 - Delhi INDIA
I took about 16 counselling sessions to overcome my parents’ divorce. This had disturbed my
studies and my relationships. In counselling I was able to overcome my suicidal thoughts and
change a lot of my thinking in order to continue with my education.
Venkatesh, 21 - Bangalore INDIA
I had ADD and was diagnosed with other psychiatric issues. I was taking medications when I
approached MoH for help. I had to overcome certain things that I had done—I had committed a
juvenile crime and needed to face the difficult consequences. I needed to understand why I had
to experience all that I was going through. In counselling, I was able to better understand myself
and made decisions to change my faulty belief systems.
Bernard, 20 - Mumbai INDIA