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Is my anxiety a problem?

Almost every human being gets anxious at some point or the other, but is your anxiety so constant that you are unable to function normally and it interferes with your daily activities? Then read on, to get some pointers on how you can help yourself.

Anxiety can be problematic if you are excessively worrying about everyday issues and situations, having symptoms like restlessness, fatigue, trouble concentrating, irritability, increased muscle tension, and trouble sleeping. And if this has lasted for more than 6 months, then it’s important to do something about it. Don’t let it stay and wait to live a better life when there are several effective options available.

This includes generalized anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiety, separation anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, and even phobias.

What causes these intense levels of anxiety that makes you feeling stuck? Don't worry, it does not mean that you have a personal weakness or character flaw. Researchers suspect that a combination of factors play a role, like life experiences such as a traumatic event, hereditary, chemical imbalance, stress, drug or alcohol use.

What can you do on your own to help ease your anxiety? Well, there are steps that you can take to improve your situation:

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle - This will boost your mental as well as physical health. This includes exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, quitting smoking.

  • Learn to relax - You can try mindfulness, meditation, breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation.

  • Journal - Maintain a daily mood log, reflect on your thoughts and feelings.

  • Create a support network - seek out support from family or friends, who care for you regardless of the outcome. You don't have to walk this path alone. Share with a loved one what you are going through, talk to someone.

Most importantly, do not shy away from reaching out to a professional if you cannot handle this on your own. There are effective therapies or tools that have proved to be immensely helpful in dealing with anxiety.

Talk to a therapist today!

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