“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” – Suzy Kassem
Self-doubt is lack of confidence in oneself and one’s own abilities. Basically, being uncertain about the potential for success or competence.
Dealing with self-doubt, isn’t always easy as there is constant questioning of self and one’s abilities. The doubts make you question everything you do. It makes you look and feel inferior. The need to be superior is higher. The need to get things done without doubting yourself is something that everything faces at some points in their lives. I have indeed had self-doubts, because of my skin, my ability to sing like my brother, etc. And I have realized that, skin has nothing to do with being loved. I doubted my self- worth, “am I worthy enough?” “am I good enough?” “will I be able to succeed in this?”. I did realise that I am more than what I thought I would be. This change in thought doesn’t happen overnight, for some it takes days, for some months, and for some even years. Over the years I have understood that when you stop doubting yourself, everything you work for, falls in place. Self- doubt comes with fear. And to overcome the fear I have always used fight over flight. My sibling is a very good singer, he is a musician, He can play almost 3 instruments very well. I have tried to do the same, but I didn’t succeed in it. I used to question myself “why can I not?” I doubted myself, “don’t I have any talent?” this wasn’t easy to deal with. A lot of people are still struggling to deal with questions like this.
Over the years I have learnt that, you always don’t have the same talents or skills as others, but YOU have your OWN talents and skills which are unique. You just need patience to explore them out.
Do not judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree. - Author unknown
This is one of the quotes that has helped me keep going. I have had doubts because I looked at others. But once you start looking at yourself and what you are capable of, you slowly exceed in things you never thought you were good at. Letting go of criticisms isn’t easy. But to deal with is important. Letting go of past experiences and the mistakes you have made is really necessary to stop doubting yourself and your worth. Mistakes doesn’t define who you are and what you are capable of. Sometimes constant comparison leads to self-doubt, therefore it is important to focus on oneself. I have kept rebuilding my thoughts and learned to embrace it. Being skeptical has also helped me deal with self-doubt. Positive self-talk is something that can change the whole world around you, for you. There can be a lot of negatives around you, but it is important to not let those external factors, affect yours.

You are stronger than you think you are.