Self-doubt is defined as a feeling of insecurity about one or more parts of one's personality, such as confidence or likability. Self-doubt can be both beneficial and harmful. Self-doubt is beneficial when it helps one grow, but it is detrimental when it has a crippling effect, interferes with daily functions, or impairs performance in the workplace or school. Hanoch McCarty once said, "It's not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.”
Here are a few ways in which our inner critic reacts to self doubt and how self doubt can be made beneficial and what needs to be done to make it a reality.
The Inner Critic -Self-doubters employ psychological strategies to maintain and sustain their negative attitude about oneself.

● The Self-fulfilling Prophecy: "I can't"
If we repeatedly tell ourselves, "I'm a loser," "I'm no good," these thoughts become embedded in our psyche and become our truth. This manner of thinking is based on two simple words: "I can't."When we believe we can't, we put out less effort. After all, why bother? We raise our chances of failure by putting in less effort, supporting our own negative ideas and creating a vicious cycle.
● "I didn't"—Self-destructive
It's a clever method to deflect blame from ourselves and place it on someone or something else. So, it wasn't you or your ability that let you down; it was the circumstances.
● The Impostor Syndrome: "I shouldn't"
Self-doubt is closely linked to imposter syndrome. It depicts the irrational sensation of being a sham, with accomplishments based on luck rather than genuine skill or effort. You have the impression that it will only be a matter of time before your actual self is revealed to others around you.
● Lack of Self-kindness: "I'm terrible."
When self-kindness is lacking, self-doubt will be more likely to develop. Individuals who are kind to themselves accept their shortcomings rather than deny them and are better able to encourage themselves to improve. As a result, they are more concerned about failures and negative evaluations, leading to a tendency to isolate themselves.

What are some of the reasons why self-doubt might be beneficial?
1. It indicates that you are testing your limits.
It indicates you're in a setting and with people who will push you to achieve more and think larger by challenging you, developing you, and inspiring you. You should not avoid those situations; instead, you should appreciate them for what they are and seize the chances that they present.
For instance, if a person is concerned that they will fail at a task, they may spend more time preparing and so do better.
2. It's an Indicator of a Possibility to Learn
We rarely learn when we are in our comfort zones. Doing what comes naturally does not result in improvement.
When your conscience says, "You're about to lose at something," read it as "You're ready to finally learn something." Failure is a step to success, and we've all fallen and learnt to walk. As a result, we learn from our mistakes. Never let self-doubt prevent you from taking advantage of a learning opportunity. Instead, utilize it as a guide to learning opportunities and take advantage of as many as possible.
3. It Reminds You to Be Humble (and Safe)
Even when you're accomplishing amazing things, a healthy dose of self-doubt will keep you grounded and humble.
Thus self doubt can cripple people as\ painful and challenging experience that can negatively impact behavior and performance, if they allow them to dominate them, but they do not often cause permanent harm to people if they keep them in check.