“You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change
the ending.”
- C.S. Lewis
In theory, having to change sounds easy, but in reality, it’s much harder. When individuals
seek counselling for their issues, they are seeking a change in their past and current
Here are some thoughts which run through my mind when it comes to change:
I know I need to change.
I want to change.
I can’t change.
Why can’t I change?
I tried to change, but failed.
I can change, but I don’t want to change.
I’m in any hurry to change.
Isn’t it ironic that a person can want to change with “all his heart” and yet not be able to do
so? There may be numerous reasons why this is so, familiarity , past conditioning , beliefs
we grew up with, major influencers in our life prevent change. We tend to mirror those with
whom we associate with on a constant basis. Therefore, we don’t make changes because we
lack support from friends and family, but one major reason is FEAR which is the most
common one.
But there is always light at the end of the tunnel, a silver lining to every cloud. Well, you get
me! Change is possible! Before you begin your journey of change, take time to go through
these prompts below:
What do I really need to change in my life? Write out a full response.
Why do I need to make this change? This requires soul searching and honesty.
What is my absolute goal in life and how does this change relate to it? Be specific.
Why am I reluctant to change? Again, be very honest with yourself.
How will it affect others?
Who can/will help me make this change? Why do I choose this person?
What is the first step I will intentionally take in making this change?
What is my clear plan for making this change a reality?
How will I handle setbacks and times of discouragement?
Change can be a scary and overwhelming prospect. The good thing is though, you can
LEARN to accept change and the positives it offers. Once you start, you’ll be enthusiastic to
continue your journey of personal and professional change.
It’s never too late to start anew.