The brain is a fascinating organ that is a mystery for researchers throughout history. However, technology has advanced to a point where the understanding behind thoughts, emotions and behaviours are connected to the unique neurochemical activity that takes place within the brain. Let’s take a sneak peek to find out!

Serotonin popularly known as "the happy chemical" contributes to happiness and well-being. Several studies suggest serotonin increase can help to treat and prevent symptoms of depression. Ways to increase serotonin include:
· Tryptophan Rich Foods
· Massages
· Remembering positive events
· UV Light
· Aerobics
Dopamine is popularly known as "the feel-good chemical". Aside from its “feel good” function, dopamine is involved in many body functions SUCH AS blood flow, digestion, executive functioning heart and kidney function memory and focus, mood and emotions, motor control, pain processing, pancreatic function and insulin regulation, pleasure and reward seeking behavior, sleep, stress response. Ways to increase dopamine include:
· Listening to Music
· Good Sleep Hygiene
· Eat Velvet Bean
· More Sunlight
· Consume Probiotics
Oxytocin is popularly known as the "hormone of love". Oxytocin is a hormone and a neurotransmitter that is involved in childbirth and breast-feeding. It is also associated with empathy, trust, sexual activity, and relationship-building. It may also have benefits as a treatment for a number of conditions, including depression, anxiety, and intestinal problems. Females usually have higher levels than males. Ways to increase oxytocin include:
· Petting Animals
· More Vitamin D
· Expressing Love
· Jamming Session
· Physically Embrace
GABA is popularly known as "the calming chemical". When GABA attaches to a protein in your brain known as a GABA receptor, it produces a calming effect. This helps your mind disengage from the alert, wakeful state and transition peacefully into a state of relaxation, and eventually, sleep. It is understood that decreased action of GABA can contribute to mental health conditions. Ways to increase GABA include:
· Glutamate Rich Food
· Exercise
· Meditation
· Lemon Balm
· Fermented food
Endorphins popularly known as "the pain relief chemical". Endorphins are neurotransmitters that have similar effects to opiates like morphine, reducing pain and boosting pleasure. They’re commonly triggered by pain or stress but can also be released after exercise, eating, and sexual activity. This helps us to continue functioning despite injury or stress. Endorphins also help us socialize better. Ways to increase endorphins include:
· Laughing
· Volunteering
· Dancing
· Aromatherapy
· Dark Chocolate